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SRSA Grant Program

Small, Rural School Achievement (SRSA) Grant Program

The purpose of the SRSA Program is to provide rural school districts with financial assistance to fund initiatives aimed at improving student academic achievement. To be eligible to apply for this type of funding, you must be designated as rural and have an average student attendance of less than 600 students.


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How This Will Help

Grantees may use SRSA funds to assist in activities authorized under the allowed federal programs that help improve student academic achievement. The SRSA program allows great flexibility in using the grant funds for a wide range of local activities the support student achievement.

Improve Academic Achievement

If you don’t file, then you will miss out on this opportunity to receive funding to put towards an academic program within your organization. This funding will greatly increase academic achievement potential for your school.

We Manage This Process

E2e will ensure all pre-application steps are completed and in place, and then handle the SRSA Grant application process on your behalf.

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